Effective 04/09/2023

General terms and conditions of use

The purpose of these general terms and conditions of use (known as the "GTCU") is to provide a legal framework for the terms and conditions under which the site and services are made available by Sérieux and to define the conditions of access to and use of the services by the "User".These GCU are accessible on the site under the heading "Legal".

Article 1: Legal notices

The www.serieuxdesign.com website is published by the company SARL Sérieux with a capital of 1000 euros, registered in the Chartres Trade and Companies Register under number 90078615300016, with its registered
office at 82 rue des Fauconneries 28300 Amilly.
Telephone number 0756865626
E-mail address: bonjour@serieuxdesign.com.
The Director of Publication is: Kristina Gudim

The host of the www.serieuxdesign.com website is Webflow, whose registered office is located at 398 11th Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94103, United States, telephone number +1 415-964-0555.

Article 2: Access to the site

The www.serieuxdesign.com website gives Users free access to the following services:
The website offers the following services:
- information on the agency's activities
- publications and articles by the agency
- an overview of the agency's projects and expertise

The site is accessible free of charge from any location to any User with Internet access. All costs incurred by the User in accessing the service (hardware, software, Internet connection, etc.) are at the User's expense.

Article 3: Data collection

The site ensures that the User's personal data is collected and processed with respect for privacy in accordance with the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, the User has the right to access, rectify, delete and object to his/her personal data. The User may exercise this right
- by email to admin@serieuxdesign.com
- via a contact form;

Article 4: Intellectual property

Trademarks, logos, signs and all site content (text, images, sound, etc.) are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and more particularly by copyright.

The Sérieux Design brand and "anti popcorn design" are a registered trademarks of Sérieux SARL and any representation and/or reproduction and/or partial or total use of this brand, of any nature whatsoever, is totally prohibited.

The User must request prior authorisation from the site for any reproduction, publication or copy of the various contents. The User undertakes to use the contents of the site in a strictly private context; any use for commercial or advertising purposes is strictly prohibited.

Any total or partial representation of this site by any process whatsoever without the express authorisation of the website operator shall constitute an infringement punishable under Article L 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

In accordance with Article L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code, Users who reproduce, copy or publish protected content must cite the author and source.

Article 5: Liability

The sources of the information published on the www.serieuxdesign.com site are deemed reliable, but the site does not guarantee that it is free from defects, errors or omissions.

The information provided is presented for general guidance only and has no contractual value. Despite regular updates, the www.serieuxdesign.com website cannot be held responsible for any changes in administrative or legal provisions occurring after publication. Similarly, the site cannot be held responsible for the use and interpretation of the information contained on this site.

The www.serieuxdesign.com site cannot be held responsible for any viruses that may infect the computer or any other computer equipment of the Internet user, following use, access or downloading from this site.

The site may not be held liable in the event of force majeure or the unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party.

Article 6: Hypertext links

Hypertext links may be present on the site. Users are informed that by clicking on these links, they will leave the www.serieuxdesign.com site. The latter has no control over the web pages to which these links lead and cannot, under any circumstances, be held responsible for their content.

Article 7: Cookies

Hypertext links may be present on the site. Users are informed that by clicking on these links, they will leave the www.serieuxdesign.com site. Users are informed that when they visit the site, a cookie may be automatically installed on their browser.Cookies are small files stored temporarily on the hard disk of the User's computer by your browser and which are necessary for the use of the www.serieuxdesign.com site. Cookies do not contain any personal information and cannot be used to identify anyone. A cookie contains a unique identifier that is randomly generated and therefore anonymous. Some cookies expire at the end of the User's visit, others remain.

The information contained in cookies is used to improve the www.serieuxdesign.com website.

By browsing the site, the User accepts them, but must give his or her consent to the use of certain cookies.
If the User does not give his or her consent, he or she is informed that certain functions or pages may be denied.
The User may deactivate these cookies using the settings in their browser software.
The User is responsible for the content of any web pages to which these links may lead, and the User accepts no responsibility for their content.

Article 8: Applicable law and jurisdiction

French law applies to this contract. In the event of failure to reach an amicable settlement of a dispute between the parties, the French courts shall have sole jurisdiction. For any question relating to the application of these GCU, you may contact the publisher using the contact details given in Article 1.

GCU carried out on http://legalplace.fr/.


Approche personnalisée :
Une immersion en profondeur pour des solutions adaptées

Avant de commencer un projet, nous devons bien comprendre vos défis et qui vous êtes. De cette manière, nous pouvons mieux comprendre vos problèmes et vous offrir un service personnalisé qui répond à vos besoins spécifiques.


Design guidé par les données : Renforcer l'UX grâce à l'analyse et à la connaissance de l'utilisateur

Nous croyons sincèrement que les décisions en matière de conception et d'utilisation doivent être basées sur des données, ainsi que sur l'analyse de vos données analytiques et l'étude du comportement de l'utilisateur lorsqu'il interagit avec votre produit.


Ateliers innovants : Fédérer les équipes et simplifier les décisions

Nous concevons et animons des ateliers pour accélérer les projets d'innovation et d'idéation. Chaque atelier est l'occasion d'aligner les équipes autour d'objectifs communs et de former vos collaborateurs aux méthodes de conception centrée sur l'utilisateur.

Ready to start ?

Let's work together!

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Based in France, our agency specializes in UX/UI and product design. We help companies and teams to design, innovate & launch digital products. Book a free UX consultation to discover how we can help your business.

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